Snort Installation & Configuration in Kali Linux

We will see the full process of how to perform the SNORT with all the steps :- 

STEP 1 :-  Firstly we have to change network settings as ahown below in order to perform snort :-


STEP 2 :-  Now type the following command in Kali Linux terminal to know the IP address of your kali machine/attacker machine :-


STEP 3 :-  Now type the following command in Kali Linux terminal to install snort :-


                  sudo apt install snort


In between the installation you will notice a window gets pop-up in which you have to write ‘your IP address of the Kali machine.16/24’ as shown in the below image :-  

STEP 4 :-  Now after the successful installation of snort type the following command to go into the directory in which snort is installed :-

                  cd /etc/snort

STEP 5 :-  Now we will see the configuration files of snort by typing the following command where we can edit/add our new rules as per choice :- 

                   ls -l

STEP 6 :- Now for the backup of snort files we will create a backup file incase if something happens to the original file by typing the following command :- 


                 sudo cp snort.conf snort.conf.back


STEP 7 :-  Now another copy of files is created for customizing the file by typing the following command :-


                  sudo cp snort.conf test_snort.conf

STEP 8 :-  Now type the following command to check if the snort is installed correctly without any error :-


                 sudo snort -T -i eth0 -c /etc/snort/test_snort.conf

STEP 9 :-  Now type the following command to modify the snort rules as per our need:  

                  cd /etc/snort/rules

STEP 10 :-  Now type the following command to add new rules :- 


                   sudo nano local.rules


In which type the following rules and hit ctrl+x to close and hit y to save rules :-

alert tcp any any -> $HOME_NET 21 (msg:"ftp connectionn attempt"; sid:1000001; rev:1;)

alert tcp any any -> $HOME_NET 22 (msg:"SSH cnnection attempt"; sid:1000002; rev:1;)

alert tcp any any -> any any (content:""; msg:”whoa! Some one Is visiting facebook at this time ”; sid:10000003; rev:1;)

alert tcp any any -> any any (content:""; msg:"Youtube alert...."; sid:1000004; rev:1;)

alert tcp any any -> any any (content:""; msg:"Instagram alert...."; sid:1000005; rev:1;)

STEP 11 :-  Now type the following command to start the snort console :-


                   sudo snort -A console -q -i eth0 -c /etc/snort/test_snort.conf

   Comments are Appreciated.


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